How do you keep up with your exercise and fitness routine at home? You may be someone who can no longer utilize their gym membership, find it difficult to continue your normal fitness routine, or be someone who knows the importance of physical activity and sees this as a prime opportunity to get started. Regardless, finding the right exercise and fitness routine at home is important to you. Additionally, you can take this quick fitness routine and exercise outside as well. Getting outside and taking in some vitamin D is essential to our happiness and well-being.
Fitness routines from home may never have been something you contemplated before but with the current circumstances, you see the opportunity to start. For many, the movements and activity in any given day are enough for us to maintain our physical health, reduce our stress, and sustain our energy. However, with the lack of your daily routine, you may have noticed a decrease in movement. Now is a perfect opportunity to start an exercise and fitness routine at home. If that is the case, finding something simple that works IS a good place to start.
What makes a great home fitness routine? The best home fitness routine is one that targets your goals and works in YOUR home or area.
Choose a Workout Routine that Works for You
Whether your goals are to continue building strength, burn calories to reduce fat and enhance your definition, cardio/endurance training, or staying active during these times of isolation, Bullworker home fitness programs can work for you.
If your goal is to continue building strength and not lose what you have worked so hard to accomplish you need a specific approach. Strength comes from tearing or breaking your muscles down from specific stress or movements. If you have been training, you know the feeling. The feeling of being sore. The constant reminder the day after you exercised your muscles sufficiently. But, those who have exercised and trained for strength and size gains know that these results and progress halts quickly and in fact start going in the opposite direction once we stop our routine.
Gyms have closed and our access to exercise equipment is limited. However, it is important to find a solution to keep up your training efforts. Finding a fitness routine at home is easy. There are a number of programs you can find online for bodyweight exercise or other forms to make use of what you have. Many give you the ability to exercise outside at a nearby park, beach, yard, balcony, or wherever you choose.

Bullworker makes exercising and continuing your fitness routine and strength gains at home simple using scientifically proven principles. Follow guided routines or make up your own by simulating your preferred routine. Bullworker offers multiple exercises to develop your chest, back, shoulders, arms, abs, and legs. Bullworker offers a variety of products starting at only $20. In this exercise, we use the ISO-FLO which is a fabulous tool for torching calories and strengthening your muscles.
Staying in a shelter can be difficult, especially the aspect of limited activity. We continue to consume food (for some junk food and take out) yet we find ourselves moving less. This is a recipe for weight gain, poor energy levels, and an overall decrease in our mood.
On the other hand, you can take this time to cook tasty and nutritious meals and start a quick fitness routine program at home. Finding an exercise and fitness routine at home that works for you is important during these times to improve your health, mood, energy, and physique. It might be a habitual routine that changes your life.
There is a multitude of options out there, you only have to pick one and get started. Whether that is following online yoga, a group virtual fitness class, or using your Bullworker products. Whether you have limited to no knowledge of fitness routines and limited space or your own home gym, Bullworker makes accomplishing your total body fitness goals simple. The ISO-FLO gives you complete control over your tension and effort applied and the science takes care of the rest. Burn calories, tone your muscles and enjoy your quick and simple exercise and fitness routine at home.
We strive to enhance the quality of life with simple fitness through a quick fitness routine and we have been doing so for the last 60 years. You may have said in the past that fitness is too expensive, too boring, or too time-consuming. With time on your hand, entertainment stretching thin, and your finances on your mind Bullworker gives you great options to conquer the times.
Quick Fitness Routine at Home or Outside with Your ISO-FLO
Upright Row

Stand in your bottom strap handles and adjust the height of your upper ISO-FLO strap to the proper length. The proper length for this exercise is tension when one hand is up to your chest/shoulder height and your opposite arm near your waist/thigh. Row one hand upwards (keep your elbows up and out) and create your desired tension by resisting with your opposite arm. Repeat this process on your opposite arm for 12 repetitions.
Bicep Curls

Stand in your bottom strap handles and adjust the height of your upper ISO-FLO strap to the proper length. The proper length for this exercise is tension when one hand is curled to your chest/shoulder height and your opposite arm near your waist/thigh. Curl one hand upwards only bending at your elbows and create your desired tension by resisting with your opposite arm. Repeat this process on your opposite arm for 12 repetitions.
Tricep Kickbacks

Stand in your bottom strap handles and adjust the height of your upper ISO-FLO strap to the proper length. The proper length for this exercise is tension when you are hinging at your hips bending forward and one hand fully extends behind your torso and your opposite arm curls near your shoulder. Extend one arm behind you only bending at your elbow and create your desired tension by resisting with your opposite arm doing a curl in front of your body. Repeat this process on your opposite arm for 12 repetitions.
Face Pulls

Change your ISO-FLO grips back to normal position and grip your handles with your palms facing each other. With one arm keep your elbow slightly bent and rotate using the back of your shoulder (posterior deltoid) until your arm is to your side. Resist with your opposite arm and repeat on other side for 12 repetitions each side.
Reverse Fly

Change your ISO-FLO grips back to normal position and grip your handles with your palms facing each other. With one arm keep your elbow slightly bent and rotate using the back of your shoulder (posterior deltoid) until your arm is to your side. Resist with your opposite arm and repeat on other side for 12 repetitions each side.
Upper Back Row

Grip your handles with your palms facing down. Row one arm towards your shoulder. Resist with your opposite arm and repeat on other side for 12 repetitions each side.
Back Row

Grip your handles with your palms facing down. Row one arm towards your naval. Resist with your opposite arm and repeat on other side for 12 repetitions each side.
*You may choose to rotate your hands from extended palms facing down, mid-way row palms facing each other and near your torso palms facing up.
Dead Bugs

Adjust your two ISO-FLO straps to the proper length by lying down and having one arm fully extended overhead while the other is down by your waist. To adjust your leg strap, have one foot extended and the other foot knee towards the chest (similar to a bicycle movement). Resist with your opposite arm going through the movement of raising one hand over your head and back down keeping your arms straight. For the leg movement, when one leg is straight and the other knee bent towards your chest reverse direction by straightening one leg and bringing the other up to your chest.
Congratulations on choosing to exercise during these times. We hope you are well and you enjoyed this fitness routine at your home or outside! Please share this with your friends and family and leave your comments and feedback below.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Your fitness success is our goal!
*Always consult your physician prior to engaging in physical exercise.