Try this Powerful Exercise Routine Combining Isometric Strength Training with Isotonic Exercise for fast gains and sculpted results.

Studies around the globe have shown isometric strength training to be the fastest way to build strength. An isometric contraction is when you are exerting force at a given joint angle without movement. A great example of an isometric exercise is the plank. It does not take long for you to feel that though you are not moving, you are exerting energy and working your muscles.

On the other hand, isotonic exercise techniques are when your body exerts a force with concentric and eccentric muscle contractions. This technique involves the movement of your muscles between your desired joint angles. A common example of an isotonic exercise is your standard bicep curl.

Both isotonic and isometric strength training techniques have great advantages. The beauty of exercise and fitness is you do not have to choose one or the other. In fact, a powerful exercise routine can be accomplished by combing isometric strength training with isotonic exercise.

Luckily, you can train using isometric exercises and isotonic repetitions in various ways to accomplish different fitness goals. When you use isotonic exercises you can choose to do low reps or high reps, bursts, slow and controlled, heavyweight or lightweight, and a full range of motion or specific joint angles.

On the other hand, isometrics gives you the options of longer holds or shorter holds, intense holds or lighter holds, various joint angles, overcoming isometrics, or yielding isometrics.

At Bullworker, we find holding a 7 – 10 second isometric hold using 60% – 80% is the optimum isometric contraction for rapidly increasing strength while still maintaining safe exercise protocol. Isotonic exercises are not as demanding on your muscular and neurological systems because your muscles are getting short breaks as you change your joint angles through your range of motion. Therefore, isotonic strength training can be leveraged with various rep sequences using higher resistance or lower resistance.

One of our favorite sequences in training is the powerful exercise combining isometric strength training with isotonic exercises.

Powerful Exercise Routine Combining Isometric Strength Training with Isotonic Exercise

This Bullworker Power Pack routine is designed as a total body superset routine. Perform each exercise consecutively after the other.

1 set = Muscle Strengthening | 2 sets = Muscle Enhancement | 3 sets = Peak Performance

Powerful Exercise Isometric Strength Training with Isotonic Exercise

A few things to note before starting:

  1. Never hold your breath, always maintain consistent breathing
  2. Use slow controlled movements and if something is painful, stop
  3. Make sure you take breaks where you need them and stay hydrated
  4. In this routine, you will be performing the optimum Bullworker 7 second isometric hold exerting 60% – 80% of your maximum effort followed by 12 isotonic repetitions.

Chest Compression

Hold your Bullworker at chest height keeping your elbows up (parallel to the ground). Compress your Bullworker using 60% – 80% focusing on engaging your chest (try not to round your shoulders forward) and hold for a 7-second isometric contraction. Release and begin 12 chest compression repetitions.

Lat Pull Down

Lat Pulldown Portable Exercise Equipment

Have a seat and place your Bullworker on your thigh in the vertical position. Using your desired arm, pull down your Bullworker using 60% – 80% focusing on engaging your lats and hold for a 7-second isometric contraction. Release and begin 12 lat pull-down repetitions. Ensure you exercise both sides during this Powerful Exercise Routine Combining Isometric Strength Training with Isotonic Exercise

Lower Chest Compression

Powerful Exercise Isometric Strength Training with Isotonic Exercise Portable Home Fitness

Hold your Bullworker at or below naval height. Compress your Bullworker using 60% – 80% focusing on engaging your chest (try not to round your shoulders forward) and hold for a 7-second isometric contraction. Release and begin 12 lower chest compression repetitions.

Cable Spread

Cable Spread Isometric and isotonic exercises

Grip your Bullworker cables in the vertical position at chest height. Spread your Bullworker using 60% – 80% focusing on engaging your upper back (keep your shoulders back and not rounded forward). Hold for a 7-second isometric contraction. Release and begin 12 cable spread repetitions.

Upper Chest Compression

Powerful Exercise combining isometric strength training with isotonic exercises

Hold your Bullworker at face height. Compress your Bullworker using 60% – 80% focusing on engaging your chest (try not to round your shoulders forward) and hold for a 7-second isometric contraction. Release and begin 12 upper chest compression repetitions.

Overhead Cable Spread

Powerful Exercise Isometric Strength Training with Isotonic Exercise

Grip your Bullworker cables in the vertical position over your head. Spread your Bullworker using 60% – 80% focusing on engaging your upper back (keep your shoulders back and not rounded forward). Hold for a 7-second isometric contraction. Release and begin 12 overhead cable spread repetitions.

Side Chest Compression

Chest Exercises for Home Fittness

Hold your Bullworker at chest height keeping your elbows up (parallel to the ground). Extend one arm to the side and compress your Bullworker using opposite (inner arm) 60% – 80%. Focus on engaging your chest (try not to round your shoulders forward) and hold for a 7-second isometric contraction. Release and begin 12 side chest compression repetitions. Ensure you exercise both sides during this Powerful Exercise Routine Combining Isometric Strength Training with Isotonic Exercise


Lunge Resisted Leg Exercise

Place one foot on the middle of your bottom cable with your Bullworker on the ground. Use the desired extension for added motion. Start in a kneeling position (knee never going past your toes) and stand engaging your front leg. Hold for a 7-second isometric contraction. Release and in a controlled manner with emphasis on your front leg (back leg for stability) kneel and stand for 12 repetitions. Ensure you exercise both sides during this Powerful Exercise Routine Combining Isometric Strength Training with Isotonic Exercise


Shrug and Shoulder Exercises Home Fitness

Stand on the bottom cable of your Bullworker. Wrap your ISO-FLO as your Bow Extension around the top cable of your Bullworker. Adjust the length of your ISO-FLO to ensure tension throughout the exercise motion. Shrug by lifting your shoulders and keeping your arms straight (elbow slightly bent). Hold this shrug for a 7-second isometric contraction. Release and perform 12 isotonic repetitions.

Shoulder Press

Shoulder Presses for Sculpted Shoulders

Adjust your ISO-FLO to allow for one arm to be fully extended overhead while your opposite arm is near shoulder height. Perform 12 ISO-MOTION repetitions by extending one arm while resisting with the other for each side. Ensure you are keeping desired tension throughout the entire exercise.

Deltoids Raise

Try this Powerful Exercise Routine Combining Isometric Strength Training with Isotonic Exercise

Adjust your ISO-FLO to allow for one arm to be extended in front of your body at shoulder height and the opposite arm near waist height. Perform 12 ISO-MOTION repetitions by raising one arm while resisting with the other for each side. Ensure you are keeping desired tension throughout the entire exercise.

Upper Chest Fly

Try this Powerful Exercise Routine Combining Isometric Strength Training with Isotonic Exercise

Adjust your ISO-FLO to allow for one arm to be extended in front of your body at shoulder height palms facing up and opposite arm near waist height. Perform 12 ISO-MOTION repetitions by raising one arm while resisting with the other for each side. Ensure you are keeping desired tension throughout the entire exercise.

Lateral Raise

Try this Powerful Exercise Routine Combining Isometric Strength Training with Isotonic Exercise

Adjust your ISO-FLO to allow for one arm to be extended to the side of your body at shoulder height and the opposite arm near waist height. Perform 12 ISO-MOTION repetitions by raising one arm while resisting with the other for each side. Ensure you are keeping desired tension throughout the entire exercise.

Upright Rows

Upright Row Portable Fitness Equipment

Adjust your ISO-FLO to allow for one arm to be extended in front of your body at waist height and the opposite arm at shoulder height (palms facing the body). Perform 12 ISO-MOTION repetitions by rowing one arm while resisting with the other for each side. Ensure you are keeping desired tension throughout the entire exercise.

Face Pulls

Face Pulls for Better Posture

Seated on the ground with your legs extended in front of you change your ISO-FLO grips into the hammer position (palms facing inwards). With one arm pull towards your face. Once you reach your face keep your elbow in and reach for the sky. Resist with your opposite arm and repeat on the other side for 12 repetitions on each side.

Reverse Fly

Reverse Flys for Better Posture

Change your ISO-FLO grips back to normal position and grip your handles with your palms facing each other. With one arm keep your elbow slightly bent and rotate using the back of your shoulder (posterior deltoid) until your arm is to your side. Resist with your opposite arm and repeat on the other side for 12 repetitions on each side.

Upper Back Row

Try this Powerful Exercise Routine Combining Isometric Strength Training with Isotonic Exercise

Grip your handles with your palms facing down. Row one arm towards your shoulder. Resist with your opposite arm and repeat on the other side for 12 repetitions on each side.

Back Row

Back Rows for a Tone Back and Total Body Fitness

Grip your handles with your palms facing down. Row one arm towards your naval. Resist with your opposite arm and repeat on the other side for 12 repetitions on each side.

*You may choose to rotate your hands from extended palms facing down, mid-way row palms facing each other and near your torso palms facing up.

Bicep Curl

Biceps Curls for sculpted and defined arms

Grip your handles with your palms facing up. Curl bending only at your elbows. Resist with your opposite arm and repeat on the other side for 12 repetitions on each side.

*You may choose to do a hammer grip position

Triceps Push Down

Triceps Cable Push Down for Tone Arms

Place your Bullworker securely on your non-slip pad in the vertical position (Thicker tube down). Grip each cable near the top. Press down bending only at your elbows. Hold this isometric contraction for 7 seconds. Complete set with 12 repetitions.

Resisted Crunch

Resisted Crunches for a strong core
Resisted Crunches For a strong core
Powerful Exercise Isometric Strength Training with Isotonic Exercise

Kneel down. Place your Bullworker securely on the non-slip pad in front of your knees. Keep your arms slightly bent. Engage your core to compress your Bullworker and hold for a 7-second isometric contraction. Use your core, not your arms. Repeat process on the left and right side.

We hope you enjoyed this Powerful Exercise Routine Combining Isometric Strength Training with an Isotonic Exercise superset circuit using your Power Pack. Please leave your comments and questions below as we always enjoy hearing from you.

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Bullworker Power Pack Routine: Combining Isometric Strength Training with Isotonic Exercises Make Fitness simple wherever you are. Enjoy this high-intensity total body exercise routine in less than 20 minutes for 1 set.

*Bullworker does not give medical advice and one should always consult with their physician before engaging in physical activity.

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