Killer Chest Workout in 10 Minutes

by | Bullworker, ISO Bow, Stronger Chest, Video

One killer chest workout to sculpt, harden and grow your pecs. One of the most common exercised muscle groups is our chest, yet many of us tend to repeat the same old workout time after time decreasing the results we see. Pecs are muscles that stand out with a shirt on or not. A larger chest boosts your confidence, hence the age-old term, “stick your chest out.” However, many of us find building our chest difficult. Not anymore, this killer chest workout gives you a convenient option to build your chest.

In this killer chest workout, we will perform two pairs of three supersets using four exercises. What is a superset? A superset means we will perform an exercise directly after the other exercise with no break in between.

Supersets are a phenomenal way to increase the intensity to burn more calories, increase your heart rate for more cardiovascular exercise, improve muscle growth, and save you time by speeding up the workout.

This killer chest workout will break four chest exercises into two groups. The first superset will be the Steel Bow chest compression with an isometric hold followed by a max effort of pushups. When we complete the two exercises we will take a two to three-minute break for our body to recover for the next superset. Once we complete three supersets our second group of supersets will consist of chest isometrics and Iso-Motion using your Iso-Bow (or an alternative around the house) coupled with Iso-Gym incline pushups (or a stable object around your home).

Are you ready to add to your routine and develop your pecs with one killer chest workout? Follow the two-part routine below and sculpt your chest a step further.

First Series of Three Supersets:

Perform Steel Bow chest compressions with an isometric hold followed by max repetitions of pushups three times. Take two to three minutes of rest in between each superset.

Steel Bow Chest Compressions with an Isometric Hold

Take your Steel Bow with your desired spring resistance – make sure you are challenging yourself – and we will begin with an isometric hold. To perform the isometric hold using your Steel Bow keep your elbows up and parallel to the ground and compress your Steel Bow using sixty to eighty percent of your strength and hold for seven seconds. Release after seven seconds and begin compressing your Steel Bow as far as you can for ten repetitions.

*The reason we are performing the isometric hold (fastest way to build strength) first is to press the muscle groups harder and longer before activating and pumping our muscles with isotonic repetitions. This method will tax the muscle group effectively creating more atrophy for more potential growth.

Killer chest workout


Follow your Steel Bow chest compression and isometric hold with your maximum effort of pushups. A proper pushup, in this case, is to have your hands shoulder-width apart, back straight, and core tight. Extend your arms straight but not locked and lower yourself with control to make a minimum of a ninety-degree angle in your elbows or all the way to the ground and press yourself back to straight but not locked arms. Perform this exercise until you are too fatigued to do another pushup. You may also perform pushups with your knees on the ground if necessary. Pushups are included in this killer chest workout because they are a great way to use your natural body weight for developing a tight core, tone arms, and sculpted chest.

Second Series of Three Supersets:

Perform Iso-Motion Chest Exercise with your Iso-Bow followed by max repetitions of incline pushups using your Iso-Gym three times. Take two to three minutes of rest in between each superset.

Iso-Bow Chest Exercise

Extend your Iso-Bow in front of your body with your arms parallel to the ground. Cross your right arm over your left arm while maintaining your grip on your Iso-Bow. Squeeze your chest or pull your Iso-Bow handles apart at sixty to eighty percent of your maximum strength. Keep the tension as you bring your hands down to your belly button and then up to your forehead for five repetitions. After your fifth repetition place your hands out in front of your body parallel to the ground and cross your left arm over your right arm. Squeeze your chest or pull your Iso-Bow handles apart at sixty to eighty percent of your maximum strength. Keep the tension as you bring your hands down to your belly button and then up to your forehead for five repetitions.

*If you do not have an Iso-Bow try using a towel or rope. Always keep tension, never have slack and always breath, never hold your breath.

Iso-Gym incline pushups

Start from your knees to place your feet inside of your Iso-Gym handles and walk your hands out until your back is straight – remember to keep your core tight and hands shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms straight but not locked and lower yourself with control to make a minimum of a ninety-degree angle in your elbow or all the way to the ground and press yourself back to the straight but not locked arm position. Perform this exercise until you are too fatigued to do another pushup. Incline pushups are included in this killer chest workout because they are an effective technique to develop your upper chest.


Try this killer chest workout designed for muscle growth and developing a full chest with definition and shape. The different exercises you performed throughout this routine focused on different sections of your chest to ensure you are developing your entire chest for complete results. Supersets help you save time while increasing intensity for burning more calories, increasing your heart rate for improved cardiovascular health, and maximize your muscle growth. We hope you enjoy this killer chest workout and most importantly see results and feel the benefits. Keep your head up, stick your chest out, and have confidence as you enjoy whatever life brings next. We are curious to hear how this killer chest workout worked for you. Please leave your feedback in the comments section below and share this free chest routine with your family and friends.

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*Always consult with your physician to see if you are healthy enough for physical activity. Never hold your breath.