Workout at Work


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Co-authored by Helen Renée Wuorio and Brian Sterling-Vete. Helen is an ISOfitness™ exercise specialist and competitive Bikini Fitness Athlete from the United States. She went from 40lbs overweight, to a size ZERO Bikini Fitness Athlete in just 8 months! Helen now teaches the ISOfitness™ system in video-led online workout routines, webinars, live seminars and corporate fitness workshops. Brian Sterling-Vete Ph.D. is a British author, Guinness World Record Holder, and martial arts instructor. As a veteran strength and fitness coach, Brian trained with, and coached his friend and 4 Times World’s Strongest Man, Jon Pall Sigmarsson of Iceland in strength and the martial arts. Brian worked with BBC TV News and is a TV broadcaster, with a non-nonsense, entertainingly politically incorrect, and direct approach to fitness and body shaping which gets results.

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This book has been approved by TWiEA – The World Isometric Exercise Association ( Currently, the entire range of books written by Brian Sterling-Vete and Helen Renee Wuorio about the Bullworker, isometrics, and other related forms of exercise are the only books to have received this approval together with TWiEA’s 5-Star Rating. Time is the #1 reason why people don’t exercise. The average person spends over 10 years of their life at work over an average 45 year working life, which can mean sitting at a desk for 10-years! There is never enough time to spare in modern life and exercising the traditional way in a gym 3-days a week, will consume a further 4.27 years. A stark new warning from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York revealed that sitting at a desk working for more than 6 hours a day can cause potentially irreversible damage to your heart, increased levels of cholesterol, body fat, and insulin resistance which is a precursor to type 2 diabetes. What if you could exercise effectively while you were at work? What if a complete beginner could exercise with equal ease to an advanced athlete and all without leaving their desk? Now you can do exactly that with advanced isometric exercise. Amazingly research shows that even exercising 4 evenings a week after work, or for long periods over the weekend, won’t fix the damage. However, if you performed just one simple 7-second high-intensity exercise every 30 minutes while sitting at your desk, you’ll gain maximum benefit from this scientifically proven system and at the end of a 9-hour working day, you will have performed a total-body 18-20 exercise routine. In exchange for as little as 126 seconds a day you’ll feel better, become healthier, fitter, stronger, build more muscle and have more time to enjoy with your family and friends. Your boss won’t complain either, because in exchange for just 126 seconds out of your working day, you’ll be up to 30% more efficient at your job, and you’ll take less time off sick. Required Equipment: 2 x Iso-Bows® available on Amazon or from

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