How To Build Bigger Biceps

by | Biceps, Bullworker, Video

When it comes to building bigger biceps, there are a few keys to keep in mind, and training smarter not harder is the way to do it.

When someone asks you to flex, it seems the majority of people will flex their biceps. I am sure you were thinking something similar when reading the first line. Biceps are one of the most sought-after muscles and in correlation, one of the most trained. Unfortunately, the majority of people training their biceps are not getting the best bang for their buck. Too often do people confuse heavyweight, long workouts, and more workouts with results. Luckily, there is a better way to build bigger biceps and keep it simple.

Building bigger biceps comes down to technique

The first key to remember when training for bigger biceps is to target all aspects of your bicep. Grabbing a pair of dumbbells and curling until your arms go numb is not going to get you the biceps you are looking for. Working smarter not harder, in this case, will. Your bicep is made up of two muscles (hence bi), the long and short head. Therefore, ensuring you are training both aspects of your biceps gives you the best opportunity to build bigger biceps.

The Secret Weapon to Building Bigger Biceps

Your two bicep heads are important to train, however, you have a secret weapon when it comes to building bigger arms. Your brachialis is located in your arm connecting to your elbow. In this case, a significant amount of the brachialis muscle is located under your biceps.

Pro Tip: Training your brachialis will cause the muscle to grow as it pushes up your biceps giving you, noticeaby bigger biceps.

Bicep Short Head Training

Your short head of the bicep or the inside of your bicep is going to help build your biceps size. You can effectively train your short head by performing curls inside your body’s frame. In the case of the video below, the cable curl is being performed with the curling arm in front of the body. This will help build your bicep size and thickness.

Cable Curl (Short Head Targeting)

Build Bigger Biceps Cable Curl

Targeting the inner bicep or short head of your bicep is the first step to building bigger biceps. Grip the top cable of your Bullworker in front of your body with your palm facing upwards. Curl upwards bending only at your elbow using 60% – 80% of your maximum effort and hold for 7 seconds and finish with 12 controlled repetitions.

Bigger Bicep Long head Training

Targeting the outside of your bicep or long head comes next. The long head is what is responsible for the “peak” or “crown” of your bicep. When it comes to building bigger biceps, the peak is what most people strive for and what makes a bicep really stand out. The way to train the long head of your bicep is to train on the outside of your body keeping your hands rotated outwards. The development of your bicep’s long head creates the crown of your bicep and the ultimate sign of well-trained biceps. 

Bicep Curl

Bicep Curl for Bigger Biceps

Hold your Bullworker in the vertical position to the side of your body. Bending only at your elbow, curl the unit upwards using 60% – 80% of your maximum effort for a 7 second isometric hold. Finish with 12 controlled repetitions.  

Bigger Bicep Brachialis Training

Training your brachialis is like a cheat code when it comes to training for bigger biceps. A common way to train your brachialis is to use the hammer grip and the reverse grip when performing curls.

Hammer Curl

Hammer Curl Brachialis Exercise

To target your brachialis, grab the thicker tube towards the handle of your Bullworker. Bending only at your elbow, curl upwards using 60% – 80% of your maximum effort for a 7 second isometric hold and follow with 12 controlled repetitions.

Reverse Grip Cable Curl

Reverse Grip Bicep Curl

For another effective brachialis exercise, grab the top cable of your Bullworker with your palm facing down. Curl your arm upwards bending only at your elbow using 60% – 80% of your maximum effort and hold for a 7 second isometric contraction and finish with 12 controlled repetitions.

Before you get started, the most important two tips to building bigger biceps

  1. Like all exercises, form is key. You can lift as much weight as many times as you want but if you are not using the proper form, you will not get the results you are looking for. How to build bigger biceps using proper form is simple. Your biceps are trained with the motion of bending and straightening your arm from your elbow, nothing else.

    Therefore, when you are training try to hold everything still and only bend at your elbow. A common mistake is to lift your elbow upwards engaging your deltoids. The more you can isolate, the better results you will see.
  2. A word you may have heard before is hypertrophy. Hypertrophy is simply the growth of tissue or an organ through cellular growth. Hypertrophy is achieved through proper exercise, resistance, and time under tension. Your goal here is to stress your muscular cells enough to trigger your body to build those cells back bigger and stronger in order to prevent the same strain from happening again.

    This is where proper form, exercise, and everything comes together. One of the reasons why we practice an isometric hold, using 60% – 80% of your maximum effort, and follow with 12 repetitions is to accomplish the muscle fiber activation resulting in the burn. Your cellular and muscle tissue growth equate to bigger biceps.

Build Bigger Biceps Routine

Performed with the Steel Bow but can be done with all Bullworker Products

*Always consult with your physician prior to engaging in physical activity.

Ensure you are breathing and using intentional flexation (the deliberate mind-body connection engaging your muscles being targeted).

Build Bigger Biceps Conclusion

When it comes to building bigger biceps, there is a recipe for success. Ensure you train your short and long head as well as your brachialis and focus on good form and time under tension. Follow the tips above for your next bicep training routine and let us know what you think. If you enjoyed this article and workout, please share it with your friends and family. In addition, if you have any questions or want to share your feedback please comment below.