A Fitter Me in 2023 – Weeks 2 & 3

Adding to las weeks routine for some extra edge on your muscle growth.

Adding to las weeks routine for some extra edge on your muscle growth.

7 second hold with 70% of your max effort and finish with 12 controlled repetitions.

  1. Chest Compression
  2. Cable Spreads
  3. Side Chest Compressions
  4. Lat Pulldowns
  5. Bicep Curls
  6. Tricep Extension Reverse Grip
  7. Lunges
  8. Hip Abductions
  9. Hip Adductions
  10. Resisted Crunches (Front, Left, Right)
Unlocking the Power of Your Triceps: A Fast Tricep Workout for Maximum Results

Unlocking the Power of Your Triceps: A Fast Tricep Workout for Maximum Results

When it comes to arm strength and definition, the triceps often don’t get the attention they deserve. Located on the back of your upper arm, the triceps are essential for both functional strength and aesthetic appeal. In this blog, we’ll dive into what triceps are, why they’re important, and how you can target them effectively with a fast tricep workout.