A Fitter Me in 2023: Weeks 4 – 6

Keep Charging Bullworker Fam!

Day A: Upper Body

Day B: Lower Body


  • Perform each routine 2 times per week. You may stack/combine them as you please to fit for your schedule.
  • Number of sets:
    • Foundation: 1 set
    • Enhance: 2 sets
    • Peak: 3 sets

Day A: Upper Body

7 second hold with 70% of your max effort and finish with 12 controlled repetitions.

1. Low Chest Compression

2. Cable Spreads

3. Side Chest Compressions

4. Lat Pulldowns

5. Shoulder Presses

6. Upper Chest Flys

7. Lateral Deltoid Raises

8. Seated Back Rows

9. Bicep Curls

10. Tricep Extension Reverse Grip

Day B: Lower Body

7 second hold with 70% of your max effort and finish with 12 controlled repetitions.

1. Lunges

2. Calf Extensions (Straight, Right, and Left Pointed Toes)

3. Front Squats

4. Hip Abudctions

5. Hip Adductions

6. Resisted Crunches (Front, Left, and Right)