A Fitter You in 2022: Weeks 1 – 3

Give these two supersets a go for 3 weeks and get ready for the next leg of the journey ;)


Upper Body


  • Perform each exercise routine 2 times per week. You may stack/combine them as you please to fit for your schedule.
  • Number of sets:
    • Foundation: 1 set
    • Enhance: 2 sets
    • Peak: 3 sets

Leg Day

Perform a 7 second isometric hold and follow with 12 controlled reps.

  1. Front Squat
  2. Calf Extensions (Neutral, outwards, inwards)
  3. Hip abductions
  4. Hip Adductions

Upper Body

Perform a 10 second isometric hold and follow with 12 controlled reps.

  1. Chest Compressions
  2. Lat Pulldown (Neutral Grip)
  3. Lower Chest Compressions
  4. Overhand Lat Pulldown
  5. Upper Chest Compression
  6. Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown
  7. Side Chest Compression
  8. Shoulder Presses
  9. Upper Chest Fly
  10. Deltoid Raise
  11. Face Pulls with Reach
  12. Reverse Flys
  13. Back Rows
  14. Bicep Curls
  15. Tricep Cable Pushdown
  16. Resisted Crunches
  17. Risisted Crunches (Right)
  18. Resisted Crunches (Left)