Power Pack Chest, Shoulders & Triceps

Continue your training for muscle strength and growth with this routine.

Routine Sequence

Superset all 8 exercises and try not to rest between 15-10-5 reps.

15 reps followed by a 7 second isometric hold

10 reps followed by a 7 second isometric hold

5 reps followed by a 7 second isometric hold

  1. Chest Compression
  2. Lower Chest Compression
  3. Upper Chest Compression
  4. Side Chest Compression
  5. Shoulder Presses
  6. Lateral Raises
  7. Reverse Flys
  8. Triceps Cable Pushdown
  9. Reverse Grip Tricep Extension
Seated Upper Body Workout: A Convenient Way to Stay Fit Anywhere

Seated Upper Body Workout: A Convenient Way to Stay Fit Anywhere

Stay fit on the go with this powerful Seated Upper Body Workout using the Bullworker Steel Bow! 💪 Whether you’re traveling, working from home, or looking for a quick and effective exercise routine, this workout is perfect for strengthening your chest, back, arms, shoulders, and core—all while seated in a chair.