Weeks 2 – 4 Power Pack Routine

Weeks 2 - 4 Power Pack Routine

Weeks 2-4 Power Pack Routine Day A

Weeks 2-4 Power Pack Routine Day B


  • 4 Days total, alternate between Day A and Day B (A and B will be each be done twice)
  • Perform a 10 second isometric hold for each exercise using 60% – 80% of your maximum effort. Follow with 12 repetitions.
  • Perform each exercise consecutively.
  • Number of sets:
    • Foundation: 1 set
    • Enhance: 2 sets
    • Peak: 3 sets


1: Chest Compression

2: Side Chest Compression

3: RG Chest Compression

4: Tricep Cable Pushdown

5: Lunges

6: Hip Abductions

7: Hip Adductions

8: Resisted Crunch Front

9: Resisted Crunch Right

10: Resisted Crunch Left

11: Dead Bugs

Routine Day B – Back, shoulders & biceps

  • 4 Days total, alternate between Day A and Day B (A and B will be each be done twice)
  • Perform a 10 second isometric hold for each exercise using 60% – 80% of your maximum effort. Follow with 12 repetitions.
  • Perform each exercise consecutively.
  • Number of sets:
    • Foundation: 1 set
    • Enhance: 2 sets
    • Peak: 3 sets


1: Lat Pulldown

2: Cable Spread

3: Back Rows

4: Reverse Fly

35 Shoulder Press

6: Bicep Curl

7: Lateral Raise

7: Hammer Curl

Unlocking the Power of Your Triceps: A Fast Tricep Workout for Maximum Results

Unlocking the Power of Your Triceps: A Fast Tricep Workout for Maximum Results

When it comes to arm strength and definition, the triceps often don’t get the attention they deserve. Located on the back of your upper arm, the triceps are essential for both functional strength and aesthetic appeal. In this blog, we’ll dive into what triceps are, why they’re important, and how you can target them effectively with a fast tricep workout.

Bullworker X5 Pro Handle Removal

Bullworker X5 Pro Handle Removal

The X5 Pro was precisely designed so that if you are not pulling straight up, the force to the side can cause the pin to jam. Therefore, if you either grip the sides of the handle or directly in the center the handle comes off. It does not take much force so if you are forcing it, reposition your hand and try to pull straight up from the center.