Best Portable Home Gym Equipment and Routine: Bullworker Efficient Exercise while Traveling

by | Biceps, Bullworker, Fitness, Shoulders, Stronger Back, Stronger Chest, Stronger Core

Bullworker’s home gym equipment and fitness routine are designed using the fastest strength training principles known. Science, over the last 50 years, has continuously proven isometric strength training to activate more muscle fibers and build strength up to 66% faster than lifting weights.

Bullworker has incorporated isometric strength training along with ISO-MOTION® (an isometric hold while you move through your body’s range of motion strengthening your daily movements) to give you the best portable home gym equipment and fitness routines in one powerful yet simple device.

When you travel, it can be difficult to find or make time to fit in your exercise or fitness routine. When you skip your routines, you feel the difference. You do not function as effectively because your energy levels decrease, your metabolism slows down, your muscles actually start to become weaker, and on a long enough trip, your fat levels start to noticeably increase.

Winner of Best Portable Home Gym

Luckily, Bullworker, winner of the best portable home gym you can own in The 10 Best Portable Home Gyms, gives you the luxury of proven options to get in a quick workout while Traveling. You choose whether you prefer an efficient workout to boost your energy, metabolism, and strengthen your muscles quickly to get back to your trip or carve out a little more time for a total body fitness routine for performance training.

To win the award for the best portable home gym, versatility is just as important as portability. You will love all the capabilities your Bullworker gives you from total body fitness, muscle targeting, and various lengths of routines to fit your style and goals. The best portable home gym equipment and fitness routine gives you the choice of resistance levels with 3 interchangeable springs to start your exercise while traveling at the intensity you desire.

This video, Best Portable Home Gym Equipment and Fitness Routine: Bullworker Fast Exercise while traveling focuses on a total upper body workout in minutes. Geared for the busy traveler who does not have the time for a long workout but wants to continue progressing towards your fitness goals. You can perform this routine in 1 set for efficient strength training, 2 sets for muscle development, and 3 sets for more intensity.

Best Portable Home Gym Equipment and Fitness Routine: Bullworker Fast Exercise while Traveling

*Always maintain steady breathing

Chest Compression

Best Portable Home Gym Equipment and Fitness Routine: Bullworker Fast Exercise while Traveling

Compress your Bullworker at chest height using between 60% – 80% of your maximum strength and maintain your compression for a 7-second isometric hold. Your elbows should be parallel with the ground in order to focus pressure on the chest and minimize tension on your joints.

Immediately after you complete your isometric hold, perform 10 smooth chest compression repetitions with your Bullworker.

Cable Spread

Best Portable Home Gym Equipment and Fitness Routine: Bullworker Fast Exercise while Traveling

Spread your Bullworker cables at 60%-80% of your maximum effort and maintain a 7-second isometric hold.  Finish with 10 concentrated cable spread repetitions.

Your cable spread will help strengthen your upper back and pull your skeletal structure upright for better posture and tension relief. Keep hour shoulders back.

Biceps Cable Curl

 Best Portable Home Gym Equipment and Fitness Routine: Bullworker Fast Exercise while Traveling

Grip the bottom cable grip with an overhand position (palm facing down) and your top cable grip in an underhand position (palm facing up) and curl the top cable up only bending at your elbow. Maintain an isometric hold at 60%-80% of your maximum effort for 7 seconds. Finish with 10 repetitions. Iso-Motion for your entire range of motion. Ensure you hit your Best Portable Home Gym Equipment and Fitness Routine: Bullworker Fast Exercise while traveling biceps cable curl for both arms.

Triceps Cable Pushdown

Best Portable Home Gym Equipment and Fitness Routine: Bullworker Fast Exercise while Traveling

Using the same grip as the biceps curl start with your arms contracted and extend your bottom arm (palm down) only bending at the elbow at 60%-80% of your maximum effort for a 7-second isometric hold. Finish with 10 repetitions. Ensure you hit your Best Portable Home Gym Equipment and Fitness Routine: Bullworker Fast Exercise while Traveling biceps cable curl for both arms.

ISO-MOTION® Bullworker Compression

Compress your Bullworker to your desired intensity and maintain your muscle exertion/tension while you move through your body’s range of motion (left-right, up-down, circles, etc.). It is normal for certain movements / joint angles to be stronger than others. You will notice your Bullworker will move between various power meter ranges. This is normal, the important thing is to keep your muscles exerting force as you flow through your movements.

ISO-MOTION® Bullworker Spread

Spread your Bullworker cables to your desired intensity and maintain your muscle exertion/tension while you move through your body’s range of motion(left-right, up-down, circles, etc.). It is normal for certain movements / joint angles to be stronger than others. You will notice your Bullworker power meter will move between various ranges. This is normal, the important thing is to keep your muscles exerting force as you flow through your movements. 


Best Portable Home Gym Equipment and Fitness Routine: Bullworker Fast Exercise while Traveling is designed to strengthen and tone your body using proven strength training techniques to improve your daily performance and increase your strength. Start this simple routine or mix it in with your current routines while on traveling (or at home) and feel and see the benefits in your daily life.

We are here to help you improve your quality of life with simple fitness and accomplish your fitness goals. We hope you enjoyed Best Portable Home Gym Equipment and Fitness Routine.

Please leave your feedback, comments, questions, and suggestions below so we can give you more great options. If you enjoyed Best Portable Home Gym Equipment and Fitness Routine: Bullworker Fast Exercise while Traveling, please share with your family and friends.

For quicker yet Killer Workouts check out the below videos and routines.

Killer Chest Workout in 5 Minutes

Killer Chest Workout in 10 Minutes

Killer Core Workout in Minutes

Killer Back Workout in 5 Minutes

Killer Arms Workout in 10 Minutes

Killer Biceps Workout in 5 Minutes

Killer Triceps Workout in 5 Minutes

Killer Shoulders Workout in 7 Minutes

Here are some more great options to exercise while traveling.

*Bullworker does not give medical advice and is not a certified physician. Physical exertion and exercise can be strenuous and cause injury. Always consult with your physician prior to engaging in physical exercise.