Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Series

by | Bullworker, Fitness, ISO Bow, Shoulders

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises is a common question. Shoulder injuries are very common and appropriate shoulder rehabilitation routines are important to recovery. I have injured my shoulder many times over the years and have taken the right and wrong approaches to recovery. This time, I want to do it slow and steady.

A car recently cut me off on my bike resulting in me going over the handlebars, landing on my shoulder, and spraining my AC joint. Luckily no fractures or major tears occurred but the Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises are very similar to most injuries to shore up the shoulder.

Always consult your physician after an accident for proper diagnosis and recovery plans.

Many physicians and physical therapists will tell you the best place to start shoulder rehabilitation is with isometrics (after rest, ice, and diagnosis of course). Isometrics is the best place to start for shoulder muscle rehabilitation because it is the fastest way to build strength and does not require eccentric or concentric stress on your muscles. In other words, your muscles exert force in a still position rather than stretching and contracting your muscles with tension which can lead to more injury.

Hello for all those looking to shore up their shoulders. Try this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Series using proven isometric strength training principles. The series will start slow with a focus on isometric exercises, light motion and stretches, and progress to introduce Iso-Motion for stronger movements in your daily life.

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Week 1 (3-4 times)

Lateral Raise Isometric Strength Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoid Raise Isometric Strength TrainingBest Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoid Raise Isometric Strength Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoid Raise Isometric Strength Training

Start with your Iso-Bow at your thighs and create tension by spreading your Iso-Bow apart. Use about 50%-60% of your strength or a comfort exertion (there should be no movement) and hold for 7 seconds. We will perform this exercise in 5 different stages (hands at thighs, right hand at 7:30, 9:00, and left hand at 4:30, and 3) to ensure a full range of motion is exercised. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Rotator Cuff External Rotation Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff External Rotation Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff External Rotation Isometric Training

Place your elbows down by your sides and bend your elbows to 90 degrees. It is important to keep your elbow tucked into your side for the side to be worked while creating tension. We will perform this at 50-60% for 7 seconds in each of the 5 stages as well (hands pointing straight north, northeast, and east, northwest, and west). Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Posterior Deltoids Reverse Fly Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Posterior Deltoids Reverse Fly Isometric TrainingBest Shoulder Rehab Exercises Posterior Deltoids Reverse Fly Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Posterior Deltoids Reverse Fly Isometric Training

Position your arms in front of you parallel to the ground with your elbows slightly bent. Create tension and we will perform this at 50-60% for 7 seconds in each of the 5 stages as well (Arms straight in front, halfway to the right, all the way to the right, halfway to the left, and all the way to the left). Important to keep your shoulders back and not round forward.  Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Shoulder Press Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Shoulder Press Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Shoulder Press Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Shoulder Press Isometric Training

Place one hand even with your shoulder with your forearm in a vertical position. Use your opposite arm to create tension. We will perform this at 50-60% for 7 seconds in 3 stages for each side (hand at shoulder height, hand halfway extended vertically, hand extended vertically with elbow slightly bent). Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training

Place one arm parallel to the ground and bend your elbow to 90 degrees with your palm facing down. We will perform this at 50-60% for 7 seconds in 3 stages for each side (hand at shoulder height, hand halfway extended vertically, hand extended vertically with elbow slightly bent). Important to keep your elbow stationary and only use your shoulder to rotate. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Week 2 (3-4 times)


Create tension with your Iso-Bow and move through your range of motion in a comfortable manner for a warm-up. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly. If a movement is painful, stop and do not perform.

Lateral Raise Isometric Strength Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoid Raise Isometric Strength TrainingBest Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoid Raise Isometric Strength Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoid Raise Isometric Strength Training

Start with your Iso-Bow at your thighs and create tension by spreading your Iso-Bow apart. Use about 60%-80% of your strength or a comfort exertion (there should be no movement) and hold for 7 seconds. We will perform this exercise in 5 different stages (hands at thighs, right hand at 7:30, 9:00, and left hand at 4:30, and 3) to ensure a full range of motion is exercised. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Posterior Deltoids Reverse Fly Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Posterior Deltoids Reverse Fly Isometric TrainingBest Shoulder Rehab Exercises Posterior Deltoids Reverse Fly Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Posterior Deltoids Reverse Fly Isometric Training

Position your arms in front of you parallel to the ground with your elbows slightly bent. Create tension and we will perform this at 60-80% for 7 seconds in each of the 5 stages as well (Arms straight in front, halfway to the right, all the way to the right, halfway to the left, and all the way to the left). Important to keep your shoulders back and not round forward. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Rotator Cuff External Rotation Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff External Rotation Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff External Rotation Isometric Training

Place your elbows down by your sides and bend your elbows to 90 degrees. It is important to keep your elbow tucked into your side for the side to be worked while creating tension. We will perform this at 60-80% for 7 seconds in each of the 5 stages as well (hands pointing straight north, northeast, and east, northwest, and west). Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Shoulder Press Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Shoulder Press Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Shoulder Press Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Shoulder Press Isometric Training

Place one hand even with your shoulder with your forearm in a vertical position. Use your opposite arm to create tension. We will perform this at 60-80% for 7 seconds in 3 stages for each side (hand at shoulder height, hand halfway extended vertically, hand extended vertically with elbow slightly bent). Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training

Place one arm parallel to the ground and bend your elbow to 90 degrees with your palm facing down. We will perform this at 60-80% for 7 seconds in 3 stages for each side (hand at shoulder height, hand halfway extended vertically, hand extended vertically with elbow slightly bent). Important to keep your elbow stationary and only use your shoulder to rotate. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Deltoid Raise Thumb Down Isometric Training

Place your handle in the vertical position with your thumb down and your hand by your hip. Create tension with the opposite arm at 60-80% for 7 seconds in 3 stages (Low, middle, and arms parallel to ground). Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises


Create tension with your Iso-Bow and move through your range of motion in a comfortable manner. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly. If a movement is painful, stop and do not perform.

Week 3 (3-4 times)


Create tension with your Iso-Bow and move through your range of motion in a comfortable manner for a warm-up. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly. If a movement is painful, stop and do not perform.

Lateral Raise Isometric Strength Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoid Raise Isometric Strength TrainingBest Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoid Raise Isometric Strength Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoid Raise Isometric Strength Training

Start with your Iso-Bow at your thighs and create tension by spreading your Iso-Bow apart. Use about 60%-80% of your strength or a comfort exertion (there should be no movement) and hold for 7 seconds. We will perform this exercise in 5 different stages (hands at thighs, right hand at 7:30, 9:00, and left hand at 4:30, and 3) to ensure a full range of motion is exercised. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Posterior Deltoids Reverse Fly Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Posterior Deltoids Reverse Fly Isometric TrainingBest Shoulder Rehab Exercises Posterior Deltoids Reverse Fly Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Posterior Deltoids Reverse Fly Isometric Training

Position your arms in front of you parallel to the ground with your elbows slightly bent. Create tension and we will perform this at 60-80% for 7 seconds in each of the 5 stages as well (Arms straight in front, halfway to the right, all the way to the right, halfway to the left, and all the way to the left). Important to keep your shoulders back and not round forward. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Rotator Cuff External Rotation Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff External Rotation Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff External Rotation Isometric Training

Place your elbows down by your sides and bend your elbows to 90 degrees. It is important to keep your elbow tucked into your side for the side to be worked while creating tension. We will perform this at 60-80% for 7 seconds in each of the 5 stages as well (hands pointing straight north, northeast, and east, northwest, and west). Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Deltoid Raise Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoids Raise Isometric TrainingBest Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoids Raise Isometric TrainingBest Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoids Raise Isometric Training

Place your handle in the vertical position with your thumb down and your hand by your hip. Create tension with the opposite arm at 60-80% for 7 seconds in 3 stages (Low, middle, and arms parallel to ground). Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training

Place one arm parallel to the ground and bend your elbow to 90 degrees with your palm facing down. We will perform this at 60-80% for 7 seconds in 3 stages for each side (hand at shoulder height, hand halfway extended vertically, hand extended vertically with elbow slightly bent). Important to keep your elbow stationary and only use your shoulder to rotate. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Shoulder Press Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Shoulder Press Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Shoulder Press Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Shoulder Press Isometric Training

Place one hand even with your shoulder with your forearm in a vertical position. Use your opposite arm to create tension. We will perform this at 60-80% for 7 seconds in 3 stages for each side (hand at shoulder height, hand halfway extended vertically, hand extended vertically with elbow slightly bent). Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Deltoid Raise Thumb Down Isometric Training

Place your handle in the vertical position with your thumb down and your hand by your hip. Create tension with the opposite arm at 60-80% for 7 seconds in 3 stages (Low, middle, and arms parallel to the ground). Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises


Create tension with your Iso-Bow and move through your range of motion in a comfortable manner. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly. If a movement is painful, stop and do not perform.

Weeks 4 & 5 (3-4 times)


Create tension with your Iso-Bow and move through your range of motion in a comfortable manner for a warm-up. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly. If a movement is painful, stop and do not perform.

Lateral Raise Isometric Strength Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoid Raise Isometric Strength TrainingBest Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoid Raise Isometric Strength Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoid Raise Isometric Strength Training

Start with your Iso-Bow at your thighs and create tension by spreading your Iso-Bow apart. Use about 60%-80% of your strength or a comfort exertion (there should be no movement) and hold for 7 seconds. We will perform this exercise in 5 different stages (hands at thighs, right hand at 7:30, 9:00, and left hand at 4:30, and 3) to ensure a full range of motion is exercised. Finish with 10 repetitions. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Rotator Cuff External Rotation Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff External Rotation Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff External Rotation Isometric Training

Place your elbows down by your sides and bend your elbows to 90 degrees. It is important to keep your elbow tucked into your side for the side to be worked while creating tension. We will perform this at 60-80% for 7 seconds in each of the 5 stages as well (hands pointing straight north, northeast, and east, northwest, and west). Finish with ten repetitions. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Posterior Deltoids Reverse Fly Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Posterior Deltoids Reverse Fly Isometric TrainingBest Shoulder Rehab Exercises Posterior Deltoids Reverse Fly Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Posterior Deltoids Reverse Fly Isometric Training

Position your arms in front of you parallel to the ground with your elbows slightly bent. Create tension and we will perform this at 60-80% for 7 seconds in each of the 5 stages as well (Arms straight in front, halfway to the right, all the way to the right, halfway to the left, and all the way to the left). Important to keep your shoulders back and not round forward. Finish with ten repetitions. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Shoulder Press Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Shoulder Press Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Shoulder Press Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Shoulder Press Isometric Training

Place one hand even with your shoulder with your forearm in a vertical position. Use your opposite arm to create tension. We will perform this at 60-80% for 7 seconds in 3 stages for each side (hand at shoulder height, hand halfway extended vertically, hand extended vertically with elbow slightly bent). Finish with ten repetitions. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training

Place one arm parallel to the ground and bend your elbow to 90 degrees with your palm facing down. We will perform this at 60-80% for 7 seconds in 3 stages for each side (hand at shoulder height, hand halfway extended vertically, hand extended vertically with elbow slightly bent). Important to keep your elbow stationary and only use your shoulder to rotate. Finish with ten repetitions. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Deltoid Raise Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoids Raise Isometric TrainingBest Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoids Raise Isometric TrainingBest Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoids Raise Isometric Training

Place your handle in the vertical position with your thumb down and your hand by your hip. Create tension with the opposite arm at 60-80% for 7 seconds in 3 stages (Low, middle, and arms parallel to ground). Finish with ten repetitions. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Deltoid Raise Thumb Down Isometric Training

Place your handle in the vertical position with your thumb down and your hand by your hip. Create tension with the opposite arm at 60-80% for 7 seconds in 3 stages (Low, middle, and arms parallel to ground). Finish with ten repetitions. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises


Create tension with your Iso-Bow and move through your range of motion in a comfortable manner. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly. If a movement is painful, stop and do not perform.

Week 6 (3-4 times)


Create tension with your Iso-Bow and move through your range of motion in a comfortable manner for a warm-up. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly. If a movement is painful, stop and do not perform.

Lateral Raise Isometric Strength Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoid Raise Isometric Strength TrainingBest Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoid Raise Isometric Strength Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoid Raise Isometric Strength Training

Start with your Iso-Bow at your thighs and create tension by spreading your Iso-Bow apart. Use about 60%-80% of your strength or a comfort exertion (there should be no movement) and hold for 7 seconds. We will perform this exercise in 5 different stages (hands at thighs, right hand at 7:30, 9:00, and left hand at 4:30, and 3) to ensure a full range of motion is exercised. Finish with 10 repetitions. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Rotator Cuff External Rotation Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff External Rotation Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff External Rotation Isometric Training

Place your elbows down by your sides and bend your elbows to 90 degrees. It is important to keep your elbow tucked into your side for the side to be worked while creating tension. We will perform this at 60-80% for 7 seconds in each of the 5 stages as well (hands pointing straight north, northeast, and east, northwest, and west). Finish with ten repetitions. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Rotator Cuff Vertical External Rotation Isometric Training

Place one arm parallel to the ground and bend your elbow to 90 degrees with your palm facing down. We will perform this at 60-80% for 7 seconds in 3 stages for each side (hand at shoulder height, hand halfway extended vertically, hand extended vertically with elbow slightly bent). Important to keep your elbow stationary and only use your shoulder to rotate. Finish with ten repetitions. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Deltoid Raise Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoids Raise Isometric TrainingBest Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoids Raise Isometric TrainingBest Shoulder Rehab Exercises Deltoids Raise Isometric Training

Place your handle in the vertical position with your thumb down and your hand by your hip. Create tension with the opposite arm at 60-80% for 7 seconds in 3 stages (Low, middle, and arms parallel to the ground). Finish with ten repetitions. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Deltoid Raise Thumb Down Isometric Training

Place your handle in the vertical position with your thumb down and your hand by your hip. Create tension with the opposite arm at 60-80% for 7 seconds in 3 stages (Low, middle, and arm parallel to the ground). Finish with ten repetitions. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Shoulder Press Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Shoulder Press Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Shoulder Press Isometric Training Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Shoulder Press Isometric Training

Place one hand even with your shoulder with your forearm in a vertical position. Use your opposite arm to create tension. We will perform this at 60-80% for 7 seconds in 3 stages for each side (hand at shoulder height, hand halfway extended vertically, hand extended vertically with elbow slightly bent). Finish with ten repetitions. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Posterior Deltoids Reverse Fly Isometric Training

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Reverse Fly Isometric Training

Position your arms in front of you parallel to the ground with your elbows slightly bent. Create tension and we will perform this at 60-80% for 7 seconds and then perform 10 repetitions. Important to keep your shoulders back and not round forward. Ensure you alternate sides during this Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises

Overhead Shoulder Press

Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises Over Head Shoulder Compression Isometric Training

Position your arms above your head with your elbows slightly bent. Compress your Bullworker at 60-80% for 7 seconds and then perform 10 repetitions.


Create tension with your Steel-Bow and move through your range of motion in a comfortable manner. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly. If a movement is painful, stop and do not perform.

Please leave your thoughts and questions in the comments below.

*We do not give medical advice, always consult your physician prior to physical exercise.

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