Killer Triceps Workout for Tone Triceps in 5 Minutes

by | Bullworker, Fitness, Health, ISO Bow, Triceps, Video

Enjoy the benefits of this Killer Triceps Workout designed as toning and strengthening routine in five minutes. Utilize one or all of your Bullworker products. If you are not able to use any of the products, substitute with your best available option.

Killer Triceps Workout for Tone Triceps

Tricep Workout Benefits

Tone Arms

One of the best benefits of this workout is the ability to quickly tone your arms. The back of your arm makes up the majority of your arm’s size. Therefore, a well-defined triceps muscle improves your arm’s overall appearance and definition. In addition, your triceps are the counter to your biceps so it is important to balance the two strengths for proper tension on your skeletal structure.

Performance in Your Everyday Life and Activities

The stronger your triceps are the easier and more effective it is to exert force in a pushing manner. Stronger triceps make pushing doors open, rearranging furniture, shooting and throwing a ball, and many more common actions easier. Improve your daily performance with this Killer Triceps Workout in five minutes.

Reduce and Rehabilitate Injuries by Stabilizing Your Elbow and Shoulder Joints

Your triceps muscle connects between your shoulder and elbow. Therefore, this Killer Triceps Workout will help to strengthen your triceps muscle resulting in a more stable elbow and shoulder.  The stronger your triceps and more stable your shoulder and elbow are the less likely you will experience an injury in these areas.

Improve Your Weightlifting Performance

Your bench press, the most popular lift in the gym, is directly affected by the strength of your triceps. Your triceps are the key to completing your bench press by providing your lockout strength. Stronger triceps give you the necessary last few inches to complete the last reps or for your new personal record.

This Killer Triceps Workout in five minutes will strengthen your triceps giving you a stronger foundation to build your upper body and accomplish your weightlifting goals.

Life Quality

Increased physical activity promotes healthier blood flow, metabolism efficiency, and heart health. All of these benefits lead to a better quality of life and decreased chance of medical issues. The additional calories burned during your day will help you on your way to a more tone and defined body.

The Killer Triceps Workout

1. Triceps Push Down

Killer Triceps Workout for Tone Triceps

Hold your Steel Bow or Bow Classic in the horizontal position with your bottom hand palm facing down and upper hand palm facing up on the cable grips, with your bottom hand press your Steel Bow or Bow Classic down bending only at your elbow. Once you have pressed your Bullworker down between 60%-80% of your maximum effort, maintain an isometric hold for 7 seconds. When you finish your isometric hold continue with 10 isotonic repetitions. *Ensure you are using a resistance level you can complete your entire range of motion for each rep (Iso-Motion). Hit your Killer Triceps Workout for both arms.

2. Iso-Gym Body Weight Triceps Push Up

Securely set up your Iso-Gym and grip the two handles. Lean forward with your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle and use your body weight as resistance press up for 15 repetitions or until burned out. Ensure you are only bending at the elbow for maximum results.

*Note the closer your feet are to the anchor and farther you lean forward the more resistance you will create and the farther your feet are from the anchor point the less resistance you will create.

3. Triceps Cable Push Down

Killer Triceps Workout for Tone Triceps

Place your Steel Bow or Bow Classic in the vertical position securely on your non-slip pad and grab both cables just under the top handle. Start with your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle and extending only at your elbows press your cables down to full extension. Once you have compressed your Bullworker between 60%-80% of your maximum effort, maintain an isometric hold for 7 seconds. When you finish your isometric hold continue with 10 isotonic repetitions. Complete your entire range of motion for each rep (Iso-Motion). Ensure you hit your killer Triceps Workout for both arms.

4. Iso-Gym Self Resisted Triceps Press

Killer Triceps Workout for Tone Triceps

Your Iso-Gym, unlike similar products, gives you the ability to create your own resistance for more effective exercise and better results. Securely set up your Iso-Gym and grip the two handles. Fully extend your Iso-Gym straps by leaning or walking away from your anchor. Stand in a secure lunge for proper balance and extend one arm only bending at the elbow while creating your desired resistance with your opposite arm throughout the entire range of motion for 10 repetitions or until burned out.

*It is important to focus on the same form for both arms only bending at your elbow (one 90-degrees the other straight and transitions smoothly). Ensure you are only bending at the elbow for maximum results.

5. Iso-Bow Triceps Push Down

Killer Triceps Workout for Tone Triceps

Finish your Killer Triceps Workout in 5 minutes with a burnout. Hold the top grip of your Iso-Bow with a vertical, grip (hammer/vertical fist) and grab your bottom grip with a vertical grip and create an isometric hold using 60%-80% of your maximum effort. Ensure you perform 3 isometric holds: elbow at 90 degrees, elbow at 45-degrees, and arm extended with elbow slightly bent. Once you complete your isometric holds, finish with 10 Iso-Motion reps maintaining tension on your Iso-Bow the entire time. Ensure you are focusing on only bending at your elbow and hit your Killer Triceps Workout for both arms.


This Killer Triceps Workout in 5 Minutes is designed to strengthen and tone your Triceps in approximately 5 minutes to improve your daily performance and aid in increasing your lifting strength. Start this simple routine or mix it in with your current routines and feel and see the benefits in your daily life.

We are here to help you improve your quality of life and accomplish your fitness goals by making fitness simple and we hope this Killer Triceps Workout does exactly that.

Please leave your feedback, comments, questions, and suggestions below so we can give you more great options. If you enjoyed this Killer Triceps Workout, please share with your family and friends.

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More information and benefits:


*Bullworker does not give medical advice and is not a certified physician. Physical exertion and exercise can be strenuous and cause injury. Always consult with your physician prior to engaging in physical exercise.