Stay with Your Fitness Plan and take advantage of these 3 Secrets To Exercising While Traveling for a more enjoyable trip and to maintain your progress of hard work.
Traveling can be a great time but don’t let it be a setback as well. If you choose not to stay active you can move backward and lose many of the efforts you put in prior to your trip.
Whether you are traveling for the holidays, vacation, or work the 3 Secrets To Exercise While Traveling below will help you continue progressing towards accomplishing your fitness and health goals and maximize your trip’s experience and Stay with Your Fitness Plan.

Common Justifications
It is a work trip, I do not have time to exercise.
You very well may be on a busy work trip that seems like every minute of your day is filled. You can find 15-30 minutes if you want to, look closely at your schedule, even if it means getting up 15-30 minutes earlier. Trust me, you will be happy you did so. Finding time to exercise will give you more energy, improve your productivity and mood, and help you sleep better that night. All things your boss will thank you for later…maybe with a bonus or promotion.
I am on vacation, I do not want to spend time exercising.
Yes, we all want to ensure our vacation time is well spent, and sometimes exercising is not what we have in mind. However, choosing to be active for 15-30 minutes using these 3 secrets To Exercise While Traveling will improve your trip by giving you a positive energy boost and start your day with the peace of mind that you have already accomplished something and are going to continue to do so.
This was a family emergency, the last thing I want to do is a workout.
Family emergencies are never fun and can in fact be very stressful. You might be thinking exercise is the worst idea. Studies show as little as 15-30 minutes of activity can improve your mood and decrease your stress levels. Worth a shot if you ask me.
The 3 Secrets to Exercising While Traveling (Stay with Your Fitness Plan)
1. Do It For Yourself
Make it a priority and commit to yourself. If you are on a long journey or a few short days, carving out as little as 15-30 minutes is all it takes and you will be glad you do. The first secret to Exercising While Traveling is to commit to yourself and designate a time to do so. If you are on a longer trip, make it a routine. If it is a shorter trip decide on the best time and do it. You will be amazed at how much time you have in your day. Yes, downtime might be part of your plan and that is good, the fact is, you will enjoy your downtime that much more right after your quick fitness session. Rest hard if you are going to rest.
2. Eat Well
The second secret to Exercising While Traveling (Stay with Your Fitness Plan) is to eat well! When you are away from home, your nutritional habits can become difficult to stick to. In addition, sometimes while on vacation or over the holidays treating yourself to varieties of delicious food (which isn’t quite so healthy) can be part of the experience, as it should be!
You can enjoy plenty of dishes and even indulge while still being smart about it. Look for options that still give you nutritional needs like produce, lean protein, and even finding the healthier alternative. Most importantly, set some portion control guidelines. Eating until you are stuffed isn’t good for your health and contrary to most beliefs, it isn’t good for your vacation either. Unless you are trying to go for a food coma of course. I find when I eat too much my activity and energy level compromises my ability to thoroughly enjoy the activities of my trip. Choose the delicious and nutritious option.
Stay away from empty foods like sweets, processed junk food, and late-night snacks. If you are going to go for that delectable dessert, try one with less sugar and keep your portions right.
3. Multiple Birds, One Stone
The third secret to Exercising While Traveling is to be smart and efficient with your time by exercising without realizing it, it still counts. Take a look at your itinerary or options, lots of traveling and vacation activities are both fun and active. You can’t find a better way to get to know a city or place than walking around. Elect to take a stroll instead of hiring a cab or driver. If it is a little more ground than walking can realistically cover, tray a bike tour.
If your trip includes 30 minutes of activity (heart rate increasing activity, something like golf doesn’t count…even if you are walking) you win!
When planning your next trip, look for options that give you both the experience and the active option, they are generally more fun anyway.
For those of us who like to run, a morning run around your area is a great way to familiarize yourself and find that secret stash for a coffee.
Full Body Fitness Options
The 3 Secrets to Exercising While Traveling above are simple and completely doable without compromising most trips, make the decision for yourself by performing a few quick options which require little to no equipment below.
Try running through a superset…or three…of the below exercises to start your day and Stay with Your Fitness Plan.
3 Secrets to Exercising While Traveling (Stay with Your Fitness Routine)
Air Squats (exercising while traveling)
Squat until your hamstrings are parallel to the ground or as far as you can go. Ensure your knees do not go past your toes. 10 reps for beginners, 30 reps for intermediate, and 50+ reps for advanced training.
Lunges (Stay with Your Fitness Plan)
Step outward with one foot and kneel down until your front leg is parallel to the ground and come back to a standing position. Ensure your knees do not go past your toes. 10 reps for beginners, 30 reps for intermediate, and 50+ reps for advanced training.
Squat Jumps (Stay with Your Fitness Plan)
Using the same form as air squats above, explode jumping straight up.
Lunge Jumps (Stay with Your Fitness Plan)
Perform the same movement as lunges above but this time you are alternating feet and position by jumping rather than stepping. Ensure your knees do not go past your toes. 5 reps for beginners, 10 reps for intermediate, and 20+ reps for advanced training.
Hip Thrusts (Stay with Your Fitness Plan)
Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Your arms and fingers outstretched should come close to our touch the heels of your feet. Thrust your pelvis into the air as high as you can. 5 reps for beginners, 15 reps for intermediate, and 30+ reps for advanced training.
3 Secrets to Exercising While Traveling (Stay with Your Fitness Routine)
Pushups (Stay with Your Fitness Plan)
Place your hands on the ground a little more than shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight, core engaged, and lower your body keeping your elbows in. Keep your head up and your eyes looking a little in front of your hands. If you cannot do a full push-up, don’t worry, drop to your knees. 10 reps for beginners, 30 reps for intermediate, and 50+ reps for advanced training.
Supermans (Stay with Your Fitness Plan)
Lay on your stomach with your hands outstretched directly overhead. At the same time lift your legs and arms up as high as you can. 10 reps for beginners, 30 reps for intermediate, and 50+ reps for advanced training.
Aquaman (Stay with Your Fitness Plan)
Lay on your stomach with your hands outstretched directly overhead. Lift your arm and the opposite leg up as high as you can and alternate sides. 10 reps for beginners, 30 reps for intermediate, and 50+ reps for advanced training.
Planks (Stay with Your Fitness Plan)
Place your hands on the ground a little more than shoulder-width apart and lower to your forearms, keep your back straight and core engaged above ground (no sagging). Keep your head up and eyes looking a little in front of your hands. If you cannot do it, don’t worry, drop to your knees. 10 seconds for beginners, 30 seconds for intermediate, and 60+ seconds for advanced training. *it is important to flex and engage your core to get the most of the workout. Holding it there for time is not as beneficial if you are not engaging your core.
3 Secrets to Exercising While Traveling (Stay with Your Fitness Routine)
The stairs are always a very efficient choice for sculpting your legs, butt, and getting your heart rate up. Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator on your next trip and feel the benefits of this quick alternative. If you want to take it to the next level, you can do calf raises with your body weight and run-up as well.
If you are lucky enough to find something to perform pull-ups try different variations of hand grips such as overhand, underhand, and in the hammer grip or palms facing each other. You can also try narrow and wide grips. 1-5 reps for beginners, 5-10 reps for intermediate, and 10+ reps for advanced training.
Bullworker uses the fastest strength training principles and is designed to give you convenient options whether at home or on the go. If you enjoyed 3 Secrets to Exercising While Traveling (Stay with Your Fitness Routine) please share with your friends and family and leave your comments below.
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There is always your hotel gym too
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*Bullworker does not give medical advice and is not a certified physician. Physical exertion and exercise can be strenuous and cause injury. Always consult with your physician prior to engaging in physical exercise.