Did you know your triceps make up the majority of your arm mass? A common mistake when it comes to training for bigger arms is too much focus on biceps and not enough focus on your triceps. But now that you know your triceps are an easier way to make your arms bigger let’s look at some anatomy and strategies to ensure you get the most from your tricep workouts. We will also show three tricep exercises for bigger arms.

To get the most out of your tricep exercises it is important you are emphasizing the engagement of all 3 heads of your triceps. The word triceps originates because your triceps are made up of a combination of 3 different heads.
The main function of your triceps is to extend your arm. Therefore, anytime you are extending you are activating or training your triceps. However, there are a few tricks and angles you can use to ensure we actively engage all parts of your triceps.
The overhand tricep extension

The first head we will target during your tricep exercises for bigger arms is your lateral head. The lateral head of your triceps is the long tail towards the front of your arm. The lateral head is the part of your triceps most often seen in your day-to-day life and when you show off your hard work with a tricep flex.
In this exercise grip your Steel Bow cable or exercise equipment with an overhand grip. Keep your shoulder stationary and extend your arm downward. This variation of a tricep exercise focuses on your lateral head to give you a defined trail towards the top of your arm.
The reverse grip tricep extension

The second head we discuss is your medial head. In this part of your triceps exercise for bigger arms, we aim to maximize the engagement of your medial head. Your medial head is located underneath the other two heads and can best be targeted with a reverse grip tricep extension.
In this exercise grip your Steel Bow cable or exercise equipment with an underhand grip. Keep your shoulder stationary and extend your arm down moving only at your elbow. Targeting your medial head of your tricep will help to improve your arm’s size.
The overhead tricep extension

For the final part of your tricep exercises for bigger arms, we will target your long head. In order to ensure you are engaging your long head you will lengthen your muscles involved.
In this exercise grip your Steel Bow or exercise equipment with an overhand grip and rotate your shoulder by reaching over your head. Perform overhead tricep presses by extending your arm bending at your elbow.
Important Tips to Remember when Training your Triceps

All too often we fall into the trap of ego, using heavy weights or high resistance, and speeding up our reps. However, the first thing we have to overcome if we want real results and progress is to forget about the ego and how much weight or resistance we use and slow it down.
The slower you perform a rep, the better. This allows your muscle to fully engage and to ensure proper form. Yes, there are times when explosive movements help but in the case of building your triceps, slow and steady wins the race.
The other important tip for better biceps is to remember to properly fatigue your biceps, feel the burn. Try higher reps (12-15) if you are used to low reps (6-8) or vice versa. And do not forget about the power of isometrics.
Your triceps make up close to 66% percent of your arm size making it an important muscle to remember when it comes to bigger arms. Make sure you are exercising them properly to make the most of your workouts and results. Switch up your routines to keep your muscles guessing and make your exercises more fun.
We hope you enjoyed these 3 Tricep Exercises for Bigger Arms and most importantly, see the benefits. Please leave your questions and comments below and share these helpful tips for better triceps with your friends and family.
*Bullworker does not give medical advice and you should consult with your physician prior to engaging in physical activity.