Functional Fitness and Mobility Exercises: Total Body Workout with ISO-MOTION

by | Fitness, Health, ISO-MOTION, Total Body

Try Functional Fitness and Mobility Exercises – Total Body Workout with ISO-MOTION to get an efficient exercise in minutes.

To perform in your everyday life, train like your everyday life.

Fun Fitness

Enjoy this fun functional fitness routine focusing on mobility exercises for your everyday movements and natural range of motion. You can take this routine outside or anywhere you, please. Listen to your body and make your workout fun and quick so you can get to what you love and do it well. No need for the long workouts in the gym lifting heavy weights using motions you never replicate in life.

What is ISO-MOTION for Movement Performance?

ISO-MOTION for movement performance combines isometrics as the fastest way to build strength and incorporates movement to enhance your mobility and strengthen your body in ways you naturally move. This concept is also known as functional fitness. We believe any time you increase your strength you are adding to your functionality. When concentrating on body movements and natural motions your added strength more directly correlates to performing in your daily routines.

Mobility exercises focus on movement to loosen up your joints and strengthen your muscles for improving flexibility as well. The more you focus on rotating your joints and exercising those areas the more you can open up and improve your mobility.

Purpose of ISO-MOTION for Movement Performance

ISO-MOTION flow is intended to maximize your return on your efforts when it comes to fitness routines. We believe to be fit you need a combination of strength, flexibility, and endurance. ISO-MOTION gives you all in one. Functional fitness at its finest and most efficient. You control the resistance; you control the results.

Engage your muscles with responsive resistance for strength training, move through your range of motion for improved flexibility, and maintain tension for endurance.

In addition to the above, it is important to exercise your body proportionally. Ensure you exercise your front (push) and back (pull) to improve posture and skeletal alignment. Functional Fitness and Mobility Exercises – Total Body Workout with ISO-MOTION using the Bullworker compression and spread to evenly balance your training.

You may notice some sticky or tight areas during your ISO-MOTION flow. Pay attention to your body informing you to place more emphasis on certain areas.

Before you start there are a few things to remember:

  1. Always maintain steady breathing, never hold your breath.
  2. Always keep your core tight and stomach held in.
  3. Always keep tension/resistance during your movements
  4. Intentional Flexation: Concentrate on engaging your muscles and listen to your body
  5. Always have fun

Perform this routine as one continuous superset. Make sure you flow through your ISO-MOTION long enough for your muscles to be fatigued and exercised (embrace the burn). Perform 1 superset for a productive workout in minutes or 3 sets of the flow sequence for advanced training.

What Are Your Goals?

1. Muscle Growth and Strength:

Use a heavier resistance and perform your ISO-MOTION flow for less time.

2. Endurance and Muscle Definition:

Use a lighter resistance and perform your ISO-MOTION flow for longer durations. The longer your ISO-MOTION flow the more endurance training you will get.

Functional Fitness and Mobility Exercises – Total Body Workout with ISO-MOTION: Compression

Functional Fitness and Mobility Exercises

When you compress your Bullworker you focus on your chest, shoulders, and core. To perform this exercise, compress your Bullworker to your desired resistance and start to move while maintaining your compression. You may notice your Bullworker compression changing as you transition to different joint angles.

This is completely normal because your strength varies depending on your joint angles but luckily your Bullworker responds immediately giving you the optimum resistance. The most important thing is to maintain pressure/resistance.

Functional Fitness and Mobility Exercises – Total Body Workout with ISO-MOTION: Cable Spread

Functional Fitness and Mobility Exercises

The next portion of this total-body workout is the cable spread which targets your back and posterior shoulders. Grip your Bullworker in the center of your cables and spread to your desired resistance. Tighten your core (hold your stomach in) and move through your desired motion.

Functional Fitness and Mobility Exercises – Total Body Workout with ISO-MOTION: Biceps Curl

Biceps Curl

To exercise your biceps, grip the top cable with your palm facing up and the bottom cable with your palm facing down. Create your desired resistance. Bend only at your elbow and keep the tension while you curl upwards. Ensure you maintain resistance and controlled movements. You get an added bonus with some simultaneous triceps work too ;) 

Functional Fitness and Mobility Exercises – Total Body Workout with ISO-MOTION: Triceps Extension

Triceps Extension

To exercise your triceps, grip the top and bottom cable with your palms facing down. Create your desired resistance. Bend only at your elbow and keep the tension while you press your bottom arm downwards. Ensure you maintain resistance and controlled movements.

Functional Fitness and Mobility Exercises – Total Body Workout with ISO-MOTION: Leg Extension

Functional Fitness and Mobility Exercises

ISO-MOTION gives you the benefit of exercising two muscle groups at once making your workout more efficient. In this case, you are exercising your quadriceps for one leg and your hamstrings and glutes for the other. Make sure you apply and maintain your desired resistance and focus on engaging your muscles throughout the exercise.

Functional Fitness and Mobility Exercises – Total Body Workout with ISO-MOTION: Hips and Core

Functional Fitness and Mobility Exercises

The next series of ISO-MOTION flow is focusing on your hip flexor and lower abs. Press one leg out. Pull your opposite leg towards your stomach. Extend and contract your legs.

Core Exercises

Place your feet in the Bullworker cables and spread them apart. You will feel an engagement of your core and your hips starting to fire. To flow with ISO-MOTION move your legs side to side or perform core circles in a controlled manner. Make small circles, large circles, clockwise and counterclockwise circles, or any movement that feels right. When you feel the burn, keep going, this is when your muscles get stronger and results happen!

Most importantly, have fun when trying this Functional Fitness and Mobility Exercises – Total Body Workout with ISO-MOTION.

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Our Mission: Enhance quality of life with simple fitness

*We do not give medical advice and always suggest you consult with your physician prior to engaging in physical fitness activities.

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