Bow Classic vs Steel Bow

by | Bullworker

What is the difference between the Bow Classic and Steel Bow?

A common question we receive is what is the difference between the Bow Classic and Steel Bow? This is a great question and certainly relevant when you are purchasing a Bullworker.


One main difference between the Bow Classic and Steel Bow and the most obvious is the length. The Bow Classic named after the original Bullworker is the same size coming in at 36 inches. The Steel Bow is a shorter version of a Bullworker at 20 inches. We will go into more detail below on how these different lengths specialize in your fitness training.

Barbell vs. Dumbbell

An easy way to remember and one way to help visualize the difference is we like to think of the Bow Classic as the Bullworker barbell and the Steel Bow as the Bullworker dumbbell. The barbell tends to be used for heavier Olympic lifts while the dumbbell can be used for muscle targeting and gives you more movement capabilities.

The Bow Classic

Isometric Strength Training Exercise Equipment, Bow Classic Steel Bow

The Bow Classic, the Bullworker barbell, specializes in more range of motion and resistance. This makes the Bow Classic a great fit for you if you are looking for exercising your legs, desire more resistance, or want more range of motion in your routine.

The Steel Bow

Isometric Strength Training Exercise Equipment, Bow Classic Steel Bow

The Steel Bow, the Bullworker dumbbell, specializes in muscle targeting and versatility. The Steel Bow is a great fit for you if you are looking to target your upper body or travel with your Steel Bow due to its convenient size.

 Powerful tools together and in an ideal world use both to target your muscles more effectively.


Both the Bow Classic and Steel Bow are the same design and can be used to do the same exercises. The two Bullworkers can be used as stand-alone fitness products utilizing isometrics, isotonics, and ISO-MOTION. If you are looking for muscle targeting and portability, the Steel Bow is your best option. If you are looking for more resistance and leg work, the Bow Classic is your best option.

Many of our users find both Bullworkers have a place in their fitness routine. Interchanging between the Bow Classic and Steel Bow for various exercises during a routine, similar to transitioning from barbell to dumbbell work, allows for a more effective and complete workout. If you have the budget, the two options are worth having both. If you would like to save on buying the Bow Classic and Steel Bow together, you can save with our Bullworker Power Pack.

Bow Classic

Length: 36 inches

Resistance Levels: 0 – 40 lbs, 0 – 70 lbs, 0 – 100 lbs, 0 – 130 lbs, 0 – 160 lbs

Specialty: Range of motion and leg exercises

Steel Bow

Length: 20 inches

Resistance Levels: 0 – 35 lbs, 0 – 55 lbs, 0 – 80 lbs, 0 – 100 lbs, 0 – 130 lbs

Specialty: Muscle targeting and portability