Strengthen and tone your mid-section with this Killer Core Workout!

When you hear the word core relating to fitness, what do you think of? Generally, people think of their abs and the chiseled six pack. However, commonly forgotten is your lower lumbar which is critical in protecting your spine and central nervous system making it a key component of your core.

There is a reason it is called the core, it is arguably the most important muscle group(s) in your body. Your core is made up of several muscles but in this Killer Core Workout, we will focus on your core’s core, your abs, obliques and lower lumbar.

Benefits of a Strong Core:

Injury Prevention

Many injuries occur because your muscles are not strong enough or trained accordingly to take on a sudden load. A strong core will help protect yourself from sudden moves or surprises. One of the most common and devastating injuries, as we age, is to our lower back. The culprit? Generally, it is lifting something during an ordinary day in a funny direction or a little heavier than usual and the next thing you know you are in severe pain. The stronger your core, the less likely you are to injure yourself.

Protection of Your Internal Organs and Central Nervous System

Your core surrounds many of your major organs and a portion of your central nervous system. Therefore, this Killer Core Workout will help strengthen your muscles to create a strong protective barrier around your spine and organs.

Better Posture and Appearance

The better posture you practice, the better you will look and the more effective your body will function. However, have you noticed sustaining great posture can be exhausting and tiring on your muscles. This is because your muscles are not used to or strong enough for holding your correct posture. Try this Killer Core Workout to help counter your fatigue and improve your posture. In addition, you will strengthen your abs and lower back while burning calories which will help you tone your body for the definition you want this summer.

Improved Daily Performance

Your core is the most used muscle group(s) throughout your day, besides your heart of course. Therefore, training your core and maintaining strong abdominal and lower back muscles will help you perform in everyday tasks. Walking, moving and lifting objects, extracurricular activities, and even sleeping will be improved with a strong core. Most athletes will tell you the core is the most important aspect of their training because when the core gets tired or week, so does everything else.

Better Balance and Stabilization

Stand on one leg, place your hand on your abs and lower back, and begin to move back and forth (simulating losing your balance). You will feel your muscles working and changing tensions as they stabilize your balance. Your core is located in your midsection resulting in the point for your center of gravity.  As we age, our balance tends to fall but with a stronger core you can combat the reduction in your balance.

Better Breathing

When people think of breathing we think of our lungs and chest expanding. Interestingly, your diaphragm and abdominal section are responsible for more than 60% of your breathing capacity. Therefore, a strong core will help you become more efficient with breathing. In addition, many of us tend to neglect breathing from our diaphragm and use our lungs which leads to our lower back tightening up to protect our spine and can lead to discomfort and even severe pain. Combat this scenario with a strong core.

See more benefits below:


More Benefits

The Killer Core Workout

Bullworker products give you a powerful combination, however, you may substitute the below exercises with your own variation as well!

1. Resisted Crunch

Foreword: Kneel down on both knees and place your Bullworker – Steel Bow or Bow Classic – in the vertical position on your non-slip pad directly in front of your body. Place both hands on the top handle and extend your arms (elbows slightly bent). Keeping your arms still (no force from arms) use your abdominal muscles to press your Bullworker down to 60%-80% of your maximum compression for 7 seconds and finish with 10 repetitions.

Right Side: Kneel down on both knees and place your Bullworker – Steel Bow or Bow Classic – in the vertical position on your non-slip pad on the right side of your body. Place both hands on the top handle and extend your arms (elbows slightly bent). Keeping your arms still (no force from arms) use your abdominal muscles to press your Bullworker down to 60%-80% of your maximum compression for 7 seconds and finish with 10 repetitions.

Left Side: Kneel down on both knees and place your Bullworker – Steel Bow or Bow Classic – in the vertical position on your non-slip pad on the left side of your body. Place both hands on the top handle and extend your arms (elbows slightly bent). Keeping your arms still (no force from arms) use your abdominal muscles to press your Bullworker down to 60%-80% of your maximum compression for 7 seconds and finish with 10 repetitions.

2. Iso-Gym Plank Crunch

Securely set up your Iso-Gym and place both feet in your handle straps. Walk out on your hands to an extended plank position and pull your knees into your chest using your lower abdominal section for 10 repetitions.

3. Iso-Gym Back Raises

Securely place your Iso-Gym high enough for your body to hang from the belt. Clip belt into your Iso-Gym and place belt over your frontal thighs. Lower your body and raise to a straight back for 10 repetitions.

Develop Muscular Balance

Your body is a system of muscles that counterbalance each other. Overdeveloping one muscle can lead to tension, pain, and even more severe problems. Therefore, it is important in this Killer Core Workout to perform both your abs and back giving you a complete and balancing core workout in less than five minutes!


This Killer Core Workout gives you a great opportunity to exercise and strengthen your core for enhanced movement performance in your daily life. We hope you enjoyed this quick Killer Core Workout and more importantly, experience the benefits. Please leave your feedback in the comments below, share this opportunity with your friends and family, and ask any questions you might have?

For more Killer Workouts check out the below videos and routines.

Killer Chest Workout in 5 Minutes

Killer Chest Workout in 10 Minutes

Killer Back Workout in 5 Minutes

Killer Arms Workout in 10 Minutes

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Killer Triceps Workout in 5 Minutes

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*Bullworker does not give medical advice and is not a certified physician. Physical exertion and exercise can be strenuous and cause injury. Always consult with your physician prior to engaging in physical exercise.